39 Failed Designs and Just Plain Bad Ideas
Time to go back to the drawing board. While their heads might have been in the right place, their execution is a bit lacking in, well, brains.
Published 1 year ago in Funny
Time to go back to the drawing board. While their heads might have been in the right place, their execution is a bit lacking in, well, brains.
If you're going to repave your sidewalk, build a building, put a billboard on a bus, or do anything that takes a bit of know-how, please don't hire these loons to do the job for you.
What is their failure, is our pleasure, so line up to have a few laughs and to hopefully feel just slightly better about yourself, because while you might not be a millionaire, or the top in your field, at least you didn't choose the see-through doors for the bathroom install job.
Fails, facepalms, and designs that didn't quite hit the mark, courtesy of the World Wide Web.